REGISTRATIONS 2024 OPENING: Tuesday 7th November – 1pm (CET)
REGISTRATIONS OPENING: 07.11.2023 – 1.00pm (CET)
Come back to find out the opening date of the registrations for the next edition!
- You can choose to give up race gadget and get a discount on the entry fee: 30 € (individual) o 20 € (realy team members)
- You obtain a better standard refund policy (check it >>here)
- You have the right for an extra discount on the special ferry ticket fees. Contact our booking service and buy ticket within 31.03.2024 (changeable or fully refundable ticket until 10.09). Example:15 € extra discount for a Car+2 passengers round trip ticket
Were you excluded from these benefits? Starting from 01.03.2024, you can get a discount on the entry fee when booking a travel package (accomodation + ferry)
Check the page accomodation/ferry for further details.
It’s recommended to read carefully all registration rules written in this page and in the “trasnfer/witdrawal” page.
For any unclear point or further information, the only one point of contact is:
It’s possible until 29.02.2024 to register and choose a discounted fee option. The discount applied to the base fee (see table) is 30 € (Individuals) or 20 € (for each relay team member). The discounted fee doesn’t include the race gadget (for example: Elbaman backpack). All other services are the same for all fees, including Finisher medal and finisher T-shirt.
Starting from 01.03.2024 only base fee (including race gadget) is available.
Deadlines | ELBAMAN | Places | ELBAMAN73 | Places | RELAY FULL | |||
by 31.12.2023 | ||||||||
by 31.12.2023 | ||||||||
by 29.02.2024 | RELAY 73 | |||||||
by 30.06.2024 | 400 € | Capacity | 230 € | Capacity | ||||
by 25.08.2024 | 440 € | Capacity | 255 € | Capacity |
Important notes:
- From registraion opening until 13 Novbember, it’s possible to register only with credit card.
- Due to the large number of registrations in the first few days, should the places in the chosen tierbe sold out before the completion of the registration process, your credit card will not be charged and/or immediately refunded and you will have to repeat the process from the beginning. That’s in order not end up with a higher fee (perhaps not suited to your needs) than you chose at the beginning of the procedure.
- It’s possible to buy an insurance when registering for the race. It costs 35 € (individuals) or 10€ (member of a relay team). It gives the right for wider advantages in case of withdrawal. Further details at the page >> WITHDRAWAL / TRANSFER <<
- Insurace can be bought only when registering and can not be added.
Exclusive Club member benefit:
- Exclusive Club members has the right to request a ticket for discount of 20€ for individual race entry.
- Discount can be claimed only before registering into the race. After registration is completed, the righe for discount is not more valid.
- Discount is not valid for relay teams.
- Organizer is not responsible to check if an Exclusive Club membr hasn’t took the advantage of the present offer.
Pre registraion Ticket rules
- Pre-registered athletes have received a ticket.
- It’s no longer possible to buy pre-registration ticket.
- Registraion is possible only with the online platform
- Registraton for first 3 (Elbaman / Elbaman73) tiers is possible only with Credit Card. If you miss to pay immediately with a valid Credit Card, reigstration is not valid and is deleted.
- 5% is the service fee requested from the registration provider. This amount is not included in the entry fee.
- Entry fees changes at the date specified OR when places available for a specific tier are all sold.
- No group discounted are granted.
- No free entries are granted. Only “always present” athletes and winners of individual races in previous edition are invited with a free entry.
- Organizer serves the right to refuse the registration of an athlete.
- No waiting list is open after sold-out. It remains the chance to exchange entry with another athlete as of specified in the page “withdrawal/name change”
- If an athlete wish to pay with a bank transfer, she/he has 3 days to complete it and send a copy of the transfer to The 5% service fee has to be paid in any case.
Bank Account:
Next Race Srls
IBAN – IT91 Z020 0805 0850 0010 5134 837
Banca UniCredit
A valid licence released by a Triathlon Federation affiliated with ITU is mandatory. No licence = No race.It’s possible to register, sending licence/club data when avaialable. If licence data are not yet available, you can leave blank fields about licence n. and club.
If you do not hold any licence you can apply for a daily pass (please see below). Because rules for obtaining a daily pass are a bit “tricky” in italy (concerining laws for medical certification required), we remind that some recognized federations sells online a valid annual licence and you can get it in few minutes (for example USA TRI annual membership)
Organizer is not responsible if triathlon licence issued by any ITU federation (except of Italian Triathlon Federation) doesn’t cover participants with its insurrance policy.
Athletes without any valid licence can apply for a daily pass. Please read carefully all rules about Daily pass! During registration, leave empty fields about licence and club.
In order to obtain the daily pass, each athlete has to present at registration office:
- Daily pass form to be dowoloaded from Triathlon Federation website >>LINK
- Italian residents: A sport medical certification for Triathlon issued by an Italian Sport Doctor and not dated before 24.09.2022. Certification not Triathlon specific or issued out of Italy are NOT valid.
- Foreign residents: they can bring the same certification as of Italian Resident or the “Medical Certificate Competitive sport activity” as of at page 4 of the Daily Pass form. The certificate may be completed by a foreign doctor (signed and stamped) and has to be presented in original copy.. A valid ID proving foreign residence must be presented.
- Daily Pass fees: 30euro (individual) – 15euro (relay team member), to be paid cash at registration office. The fee is entirely deposited by organizer to FITRI (Italian Triathlon Federation).
Hai un amico (o piu’ di uno!) che non ha MAI preso parte ad Elbaman e lo vuoi portare con te a provare l’evento? Ecco quello che fa per voi!
Per l’edizione 2023 si propone la promozione “Porta uno… o piu’ amici!”, secondo seguenti regole
- Un atleta (in seguitio “il proponente”), già in passato partecipante a Elbaman (full, oppure half. No Staffetta) si iscrive contemporaneamente con uno o piu’ amici . Ognuno riceve uno sconto di 20 € (iscrizione Elbaman individuale) oppure 15 € (iscrizione Elbaman73 individuale).
- Il proponente riceve uno sconto aggiuntivo per ogni ulteriore amico iscritto a Elbaman per la prima volta (10 € se l’amico si iscrive a Elbaman, 5 € se si iscrive a Elbaman73). lo sconto massimo praticabile al proponente è pari a 50 €.
- Ognuno degli atleti del gruppo si deve iscrivere individualmente usando il ticket sconto di iscrizione ricevuto (vedi sotto). L’iscrizione di tutti i componenti della comitiva deve avvenire nella finestra di apertura dalla promozione.
- La promozione non è sempre valida,. ma viene attivata a sorpresa, in una finestra di tempo limitata di 5 giorni, durante il periodo di apertura iscrizioni (o comunque fino a che le gare non siano sold-out). In ogni caso la promozione verrà aperta almeno 2 volte dalla data di apertura iscrizioni.
- L’apertura della finestra di validità della promozione viene pubblicizzata via social e sito web una settimana circa prima dell’apertura della finestra. Sin da subito si possono richiedere i ticket sconto da usarsi per iscriversi durante il periodo di 5 giorni di apertura della finestra. Richiesta di ticket avvenute prima dell’avviso di apertura della promozione, non vengono considerate.
- i Ticket sconto vanno richiesti dal proponente via email a specificando Cognomi, Nomi, Date di nascita ed email di tutti membri della comitiva ed evidenziando quale sia nell’elenco il nome del proponente (N.B. Una unica email per tutto il gruppo!). Dopo le verifiche del caso, viene inviato un ticket sconto ad ognuno degli aventi diritto.
Di seguito la timeline della promozione da quando viene pubblicizzata a quando viene chiusa.